Grass Mowing

Grass mowingStarting in Late March and ending in Late November (depending on weather conditions) we perform this service on a weekly basis on the same day each week. Using our state-of-the-art commercial mowers, trimmers and blowers we take whatever time it requires to make every lawn look good and healthy. If we have to cut lawns twice in one visit, as we often do during the spring months, then we do so at no extra charge.

We never leave clumps of grass behind. Clumps of grass reduce the eye-pleasing quality of freshly cut turf, and suffocate the grass underneath. We sharpen our blades at least once a week. Sharp mower blades help the lawn grow healthier, and provide a crisp and tidy look. We continuously alter the cutting pattern. Over time, if the cutting pattern remains the same or is varied infrequently, unsightly grooves will develop in the lawn. We take great care to put a precise edge on all that gets trimmed.

5 Key Elements to a Better Looking Lawn

Mowing Height
One very common mistake is mowing lawns too short. For most lawns, a mowing height between 2.5 to 3.5 inches is suggested; the upper range is best for summer. Lawns mowed at higher heights tend to have deeper roots, less weed problems, and look much better. Mowing too close invites problems such as weed invasions. Simply raising the mowing height can have a major impact on the quality of many home lawns.

Blade Sharpness
A sharp blade is important in obtaining a good quality cut. A dull blade will tear the grass as opposed to cutting it. We change and sharpen our blades at approximately every other day.

Grass Clippings
Another issue related to mowing is whether clippings should be collected. As long as the lawn is mowed on a regular basis the clippings readily filter back down into the lawn, clippings do not need to be collected. Returned in this manner, clippings readily decompose and do not cause thatch build-up. Clippings also recycle nutrients such as Nitrogen and water.

Mowing Height
One very common mistake is mowing lawns too short. For most lawns, a mowing height between 2.5 to 3.5 inches is suggested; the upper range is best for summer. Lawns mowed at higher heights tend to have deeper roots, less weed problems, and look much better. Mowing too close invites problems such as weed invasions. Simply raising the mowing height can have a major impact on the quality of many home lawns.

Last but certainly not least is the care of the operator with the mower. "After seeing what a different lawn care company had done to my neighbor's lawn with those commercial mowers, I swore I would never let anyone use on on my yard.
I reluctantly took your word and let you use your mowers on my lawn and to my surprise after the entire summer I have no damage, to my hillside." JB2005. Which goes to show that the mower is only as destructive as its operator.

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